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Turn Your Problems into Opportunities

Everything happens for a reason.

When faced with problems or setbacks in your life, what is your immediate reaction? If you’re like most people, your first impulse is to complain. “Why did this have to happen to me? What am I going to do now? My plans are ruined!”

Everything happens for a reason.
Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. — Napoleon Hill

When faced with problems or setbacks in your life, what is your immediate reaction? If you’re like most people, your first impulse is to complain. “Why did this have to happen to me? What am I going to do now? My plans are ruined!”

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This response is only natural. However, after the initial disappointment wears off, you have a choice to make. You can either wallow in misery and dwell on the negative aspects of your situation or you can find the benefit or lesson that the problem is offering.

Yes, you’ll probably face a period of uncertainty or struggle, but there’s always a flip side to the difficulty. You see, a “problem” is often not a problem at all. It may actually be an opportunity. For instance, a problem may point out an adjustment you can make to improve certain conditions in your life. Without the problem, you never would have taken this positive action.

For example, you probably know or have heard about someone who lost his or her job and then went on to start a successful business. Often, that person will tell you that if he or she hadn’t been laid off, the new business would never have been started. What started as an adversity ended up as a golden opportunity. - Specializing in Cheap Flights

How about the times you were absolutely convinced that a particular job was perfect for you; you had a great interview and just couldn’t wait for the offer. But the offer never came — someone else got the job. You were devastated! Days or months later, a new job came along, and you realized that the first position was much less desirable than the one that came along later. The earlier rejection was, in fact, a blessing. Another example is the deal on the “dream house” which falls through... only to be replaced by some-thing even better.

Extract From Book - Attitude is Everything - By Jeff Keller
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