One of the most critical steps you could ever take if you wish to achieve an important goal is to noting everything down on paper. There is something about this simple step which is extremely powerful, and writing down your goals will greatly increase your chances of accomplishing your objectives. Without writing your goals down, they can remain nebulous, amorphous concepts that are never fully articulated. They can remain ideas that are never realized.
Will writing down your goals guarantee your future success? No, not exactly. Nothing will give you a 100% guarantee that a goal will be achieved, as there are very little guarantees in life. However, you can greatly increase your chances of success, and some studies have shown that people who write down their goals are up to 10 times more likely to reach their goals than those who never wrote their goals down!
It may be hard to believe at first, but when you look at it more closely it's easy to see why writing down your goals is so important. First of all, the mere act of writing down something on paper helps impress it on your mind. It becomes a priority in your thoughts, and you begin to accept it as a real possibility for the future. The goal becomes more real for you, but you also begin giving it more importance so you can work towards it on a regular basis.
Secondly, writing down your goals and dreams is all about providing clarity of thought. Many people forgo creating a to-do list for their day and simply carry around all the different errands, appointments, and phone
They may even think that they have a goal when all they have is a wish or a fantasy. Writing down a goal on paper will help to crystallize it so you can then take steps to achieve it. Once you have it on paper, you need to begin to ask yourself what needs to be done in order to reach this goal. You can start by listing a detailed plan of action
Writing Down Your Goals - Jacob Lumbroso
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Love Your Life Tags: Motivation, Self–Improvement, Confidence, Self-Image, Positive Thinking, Outlook, Personality Development, Goals, Writing Goals, Articulating goals, plan of action
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